Bitch Bad

Bitch Bad This video is a private video uploaded by Noheart2011. Only active members can watch private videos.

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Duration: 15min 10sec Views: 3 240 Submitted: 5 years ago Submitted by:
Description: Why can't yall niggas just sit back and enjoy the show and stop worrying about names. Now granted I could be wrong but it you must know the rationale behind no names from my perspective:The reason why we do not allow info even for stars because something like the following can occur. Let's say someone commented, "Yo that's the x. her website is"Now one of the many visitors of HGF will go to the and may sign up for it. So that's issue #1. We just gave someone free advertisement. This is a business bro, ain't nothing free. No one is giving HGF freed advertisement. Anyways, let's say the visitor who joined left a comment on the, "Yo I saw a clip of her on hgf.netbut I can't find it on". Issue #2. Now x who reads the comment will come through to HGF.netand search for the vid, find it and legal proceedings can possibly ensue for the poster.I know people do not take things that seriously and think that its far fetch, but the truth is these things take place.So hopefully you have a better understanding of the issue fam and buss a nut in peace.
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